Only Two Stretch Goals left!
Adam here. It has been an exciting few weeks since we launched the Kickstarter last month. So it’s a bit weird to be saying this already, but our Kickstarter for the special leatherbound edition of The Way of Kings ends in just a few days! It officially ends Friday at 3:05 p.m. MDT, so, if you’ve been thinking about backing it, you still have time. Feel free to check out our landing page, or if you’d like to see all our updates you can check those out here too.
If you’ve been following our updates, what I say here won’t come as a surprise, but we only have two stretch goals left! (If you prefer to hear Brandon and Isaac talk about them, you can watch this segment from our last livestream, or scroll down.)
We recently unlocked the $6,000,000 stretch goal, which is a Journey Before Destination bumper sticker that we’re very excited about. But the two remaining are epic (You don’t need to take my word for it, you can see for yourself how awesome these are).
These coasters (designs not final), that will be unlocked if we reach $6.5 million, are incredibly fun/awesome/cool/glorious/etc, and we want to see them become reality. If you’re unable to back the Kickstarter, don’t fret! Our hope is that if we unlock this stretch goal, that we will eventually have them for sale on Brandon’s webstore.
The final $7 million stretch goal is the one that I’m most excited for. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading narrating The Way of Kings Prime. Typically, stretch goals are intended to support any backers of the project. But we’ve discussed this internally and we feel this would be better used if it was something that we just made available—just as we did with The Way of Kings Prime ebook—free to anyone who wanted it. This is the final goal as, deservedly so, Michael’s and Kate’s talents don’t come cheap, but we feel they’re best suited to the task. If the goal is met, we’re not exactly sure when, or how, we’d make the audiobook available as it will be dependent on their narration schedule, but rest assured that we’d get it to you as quickly as possible.
Here are all the stretch goals that have been unlocked. Please note, that only specific backer tiers are eligible for all the physical rewards. If you’re unsure of which tiers qualify, please visit our Kickstarter page for complete information.