All Leatherbounds are Back in Stock! + Weekly Update
Hey! Weekly Update time from Brandon.
So, Stormlight 5 3.0 revision is at, Bing! 33%. So, I am moving along through that, on target for my deadline at the end of April. Feeling very good about that. I’ve also been working my way through Skyward Flight, Book 1, that Janci sent me. I’ve been doing my kind of revision/draft/commentary on that for her, and that’s going really well. I don’t know what percentage I am on that. I’ll try to get it for you for next week. But those are my two main projects.
Hero of Ages and Well of Ascension leatherbounds are back in stock. Go participate in some shelf love this Valentine’s Day. Who wrote that? That’s really—that’s a really, really bad pun.
ADAM: That was me.
BRANDON: That was Adam? We have my notes here. Go participate in some shelf love, they say. Adam, you’re—no, you’re not fired. We like bad puns around here. I just hit that and I’m like, “What? Oh.”
So, short one today. Our last thing is that our BackerKit campaign launches four weeks from today. This is for the Words of Radiance leatherbound. So March 5th is the day. And we released the Elsecaller video. It’s on BackerKit right now. So, if you haven’t signed up for BackerKit, go watch that. It’ll show up on YouTube eventually. But we’re kind of trying to get people going that direction to get prepared for what’s coming on March 5th. So getting very excited about this. I’m going to be doing a whole bunch of recording for that today. So I’m looking forward to sharing it all with you in about a month.
Thank you very much. Brandon out.