Leatherbound | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com Brandon Sanderson Fri, 27 Nov 2020 20:03:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-general_post_image.jpg Leatherbound | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com 32 32 The Way of Kings Leatherbound Kickstarter Sneak Peek https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-way-of-kings-leatherbound-kickstarter-sneak-peek/ Tue, 30 Jun 2020 18:34:14 +0000 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/?p=13325

The Way of Kings Leatherbound Kickstarter Sneak Peek

I’m excited to announce my Kickstarter for The Way of Kings leatherbound. It will go live Tuesday, July 7th at 9:00 AM MDT and go through Friday, August 7th at 3:00 PM MDT. If you don’t want to miss out on the first day, check out the landing page over on Kickstarter, click the green “Notify me on launch” button, sign up for a Kickstarter account, and you will be notified when the campaign goes live.

We still might make a few tweaks between now and July 7th, but let me share with you some of the things you’ll see on our Kickstarter page when everything kicks off next Tuesday.

Hold onto your seats! This is going to be a long post with several tall graphics to scroll through. I hope you’ll find it fun and informative because we’re excited to finally get these details out into the world.

Why Kickstarter?
In the past, we’ve offered the anniversary editions by themselves for reasonable prices. The Way of Kings is so large, however, that we needed to split it into two volumes to maintain the quality and integrity of the physical books. This results in a set that costs more to produce, therefore it also retails for more. We recognize this is your hard-earned money, so we’ve turned to Kickstarter as a way to:

  1. Give you more bang for your buck.
  2. Bring the excitement of a book release party home to you.

Book release parties sometimes offer attendees goodie bags full of extra swag. In this case, the more people who back the Kickstarter release, the more swag we’re going to put into your goodie bags, so to speak, mostly in the form of stretch goal rewards, which we’ll discuss further down.

I’ll save most of the photos of the unbound sample we have of The Way of Kings leatherbound for release day, but here’s a mockup of the two volumes. We’ll post more photos as we get them from the printer and bindery. Please note that many of the images are just mockups, not actual photographs, and many of the designs are not final.

When you finally hold these volumes in your hands, we hope you’ll agree that they’re the finest books Dragonsteel has produced so far.

I recognize that many of you are perfectly happy with your existing copies of The Way of Kings, in whichever format you prefer. With this in mind, we’ve created six pledge tiers so you can get involved with the campaign at whatever tier you’re most comfortable with. We’ll use BackerKit to facilitate add-ons, which will further the customizability of your pledge, allowing you to buy some of the rewards à la carte once the campaign is over. Even pledging $1 to the “make a pledge without a reward” tier will allow access to the add-on store. More on this later. Here’s an overview of the pledge tiers with explanations for the different rewards further down.

Since the books, the posters, and the other goodies are various sizes and will arrive from the manufacturers at different times, you will be charged shipping for each package we send out, depending on which tier you pledge to. For more information, there’s a handy shipping chart in the shipping section further down.

To save on shipping (particularly overseas) some of you asked for a tier that has no physical rewards besides the leatherbound. We gave this some thought and don’t feel that discounting the leatherbound is fair to those buying it in the other tiers—plus, the amount of work and effort we’ve put into this has pushed the margins pretty tight—but we think we’ve found a balance. You can either opt for physical rewards in Tier 4, or you can opt for none of them in Tier 3, and in exchange we’ve added this reward to Tier 3: a $10 digital gift card to our store. If shipping is an issue, you can buy digital copies of some of my novellas there—or you can save up for a physical item you want, when you want it.

You’ll notice that Tiers 3, 4, 5, and 6 have a limited number of backers available. If we sell out of these, we might open up new tiers, but be aware that the leatherbound books in these new tiers won’t ship until sometime in 2021, though these books will still be considered part of the first printing of this edition. If we do open new tiers, we will only be able to do it once for Tier 6, capping the signed and numbered copies to just less than 2000 copies total.

Bridge Four Movie-Style Poster

Even without the stretch goal rewards, each pledge tier comes with the bonus of a Bridge Four movie-style poster—by the amazing Zack Stella—in either digital or physical format. Pledge Tiers 1 and 3 come with 1920 x 1080 and 1080 x 1920 digital wallpapers based on the Bridge Four poster, and Pledge Tiers 2, 4, 5, & 6 each come with a physical 23.75″ x 35.75″ Bridge Four poster—rolled, not folded.

New Stormlight Novella

I’m working on a new Stormlight novella in the vein of Edgedancer, a story about Lift that bridges the gap between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer. The new Stormlight novella will be available as an e-book in all tiers, or in both physical and digital formats in Tiers 2, 5, and 6.

Alternate Novel: The Way of Kings Prime Free E-Book

I understand these are hard times and not everyone has the funds for The Way of Kings leatherbound, so I decided to take something originally planned as a stretch goal reward and give it away for free on my website in e-book and PDF forms. You’ll be able to find these in the Online Library on July 7th.

The Way of Kings Prime was written in 2002 and is basically an alternate version of The Way of Kings, which was published by Tor Books in 2010. The Way of Kings Prime is very different from the published book. Think of it as set in a different universe with a completely different plot. If you haven’t read the 2010 canonical version, please read that one first.

The Way of Kings Prime is what we’re calling a Sanderson Curiosity. A hardcover version of it is included in Pledge Tiers 5 and 6, or as an add-on for backers of the campaign. We can’t guarantee we’ll ever reprint it once the campaign is over.

Pick Your Order of Knights Radiant

After you back the campaign, and before we fulfill your pledge when the campaign is over, we will give you the opportunity to pick an Order from among the ten Orders of Knights Radiant. If Order-specific stretch goal rewards are unlocked—and you choose Pledge Tiers 2, 4, or 5—those rewards will be themed to your chosen Order. (Read further down for more about the stretch goal rewards.)

For example, if you pledge $200 for The Way of Kings leatherbound and choose Windrunner as your Order, all five Order-specific stretch goals (sticker sheet, patch, art print, pin, and challenge coin) will be themed toward that Order, using its unique glyph and color scheme.

Not sure which Order of Knights Radiant to choose? Take the Official Knights Radiant Order Quiz. Or if you’d prefer, you can read about each Order and make a decision based on that. We’ve worked hard to give each Order its own visual identity, so when in doubt, pick your favorite symbol or color scheme.

Stretch Goal Rewards

We have prepared ten stretch goal rewards as a way of telling our backers “thank you.” Each time we unlock one by meeting a certain amount of pledged money or backers, all pledge tiers will get more rewards in the digital art package, and Tiers 2, 4, 5, and 6 will receive more physical rewards. (The exceptions to this are the “genuine leather” and “slipcase” stretch goal rewards, which only apply to Pledge Tiers 3 through 6.) Thus, the bigger we make this release party, the more rewards the “attendees” get in their goodie bags!

We hope all of these will unlock during the course of the campaign, but if there’s something you want here and are worried it might not unlock, you can check out the add-ons further down.

Please note that while we’ll carry The Way of Kings leatherbound in our online store after the Kickstarter, we can’t guarantee that future printings will have the slipcase and genuine leather (if unlocked). Future printings of the leatherbound sold through the online store will be sold separately from any of the stretch goal rewards available here.


Anyone who pledges to any tier of the campaign—even if it’s only $1 to the “make a pledge without a reward” tier—will have access to the add-on store through BackerKit once the campaign ends. These are items that you can purchase in addition to what you already receive with your pledge. For example, if you pledge to Tier 4 and the campaign ends without unlocking the playing cards, you will still be able to buy the playing cards for the add-on cost through BackerKit. If the campaign ends with the playing cards unlocked, you will get a copy of the playing cards with Tier 4, but you will also be able to buy additional copies of the playing cards (and anything else in the add-on store), if you would like.

Another example: Maybe you’ve pledged to Tier 4 for The Way of Kings leatherbound but also want goodies from a second Order without needing to buy a second copy of the leatherbound. We have the Order Pack add-on that allows you to buy the five Order-themed goodies in any Order of your choice at a discounted price from what we’ll eventually sell it for in the online store. This, and any of the add-ons, can be purchased multiple times with a different Order of Knights Radiant chosen each time, but please note that some add-ons might have a limit on the quantity you can purchase.

While we hope many of these goodies will be sold later in our online store, we can’t guarantee availability and pricing outside the campaign. The backer pin is exclusive to the Kickstarter and will only be available in conjunction with the campaign.

Independent Bookstores

We love independent bookstores, so as part of the campaign, there will be a few limited vendors who will have copies of The Way of Kings leatherbound as well as some of the swag items. These bookstores include:

  • Subterranean Press
  • The BYU Store
  • Murder By the Book
  • Mysterious Galaxy
  • Powell’s Books
  • Borderlands Books

We’ll have more information about this after the campaign, but the books likely won’t be available at these vendors until the holiday season.

New to Kickstarter?

If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter, it’s a platform that allows creators to crowdfund their creative projects. The campaign lasts several weeks, and when it’s over, my team will go into full production and fulfillment mode. We will send out Kickstarter surveys, which will allow you to choose your Order of Knights Radiant—if your pledge needs that information—and also to give you the chance to give us your most up-to-date information so that your books and goodies arrive to the correct address in as timely a manner as possible.

If you’d like to know more about how to make a pledge on Kickstarter, here’s a short overview.


After the campaign, your shipping will be calculated based on your pledge tier and shipping address. Some rewards will have to be shipped separately from others. For example, The Way of Kings leatherbound will be shipped directly from the bindery so that it doesn’t have to come across the country to us before we then ship it back out to you. The rolled posters will be shipped separately in 24” wide triangle boxes. Because of these realities and others, we unfortunately can’t use a one-size-fits-all approach to shipping, therefore, rewards will be sent out in waves (more on that below), and shipping will be charged to you depending on how many packages you are receiving.

Reference the chart below to see how many packages and the total cost of shipping you can expect for each tier. Please note that the Total Shipping side of the chart is not the price per package, but represents the total you will pay for shipping and handling.

We welcome international orders! However, we do not ship everywhere, so if your country is not listed, we apologize. It means we haven’t been able to establish reliable delivery in that region yet.

We hope to have most rewards fulfilled by the holidays 2020, but many things like the physical editions of the Stormlight Novella and The Way of Kings Prime will not be ordered from the printer until after the campaign is over and might not ship until early 2021. If we wind up opening extra leatherbound tiers, they will ship sometime in 2021 as well.

Wave 1

When The Way of Kings leatherbound is finished, we will verify all backers’ addresses—including addresses outside of the United States—and then provide this information to the bindery who will ship your books, shrinkwrapped and packaged in custom-fit boxes, directly to you.

Posters will likely also be sent in this first wave of shipping, both to addresses inside and outside of the United States.

Wave 2

Many of the stretch goal rewards and add-on items will be produced after the end of the Kickstarter. As soon as we have all of these rewards in-hand (except for the books), we will once again verify addresses before packaging up the rewards and sending them out to you, hopefully in one box of awesome happiness.

If your shipping address is outside of the United States, your goodies will be shipped in Wave 3, as described below, to save you on shipping costs.

Wave 3

The Way of Kings Prime and the Stormlight Novella are the items most likely to be shipped in this final wave. These will be fulfilled as soon as we get the books back from the printer, but not without once again verifying addresses. Please keep in mind that printing usually takes a few months, but in some cases can take much longer.

If you live outside of the United States and have chosen pledge tiers 2, 5, or 6, postage is more cost effective for you if we wait until the Stormlight Novella and The Way of Kings Prime are delivered to us so we can ship your books and goodies together.

Risks and Challenges

As part of each Kickstarter, they ask those running the campaign to outline the risks and challenges associated with producing the products you’re asking people to help fund. Here’s what ours says:

We’ve been producing our anniversary editions for several years now, and before that, we produced some of our own hardcovers, so we’re experienced in the production of nice books and other goodies. Currently, most of the files are ready to send to the manufacturers, and some of the products are already in various levels of production.

One of the biggest challenges will be getting everything produced or printed and delivered to you in a timely manner. Our printer, bindery, and other suppliers are all top notch, but producing quality books and products takes time, with quality assurance steps all along the way. We don’t want to rush any of these steps because we want to send you the best products we can produce.

In addition, as we’ve seen from world events this year, there are sometimes things out of our control that affect more than just supply lines. If we have to hit pause once in a while because people’s safety is on the line, then we will do so, but rest assured that we will do all in our power to deliver your books and goodies as quickly as possible.

Thank You!

I have the best fans in the world. You’ve proven that to me time and again as I get to meet and interact with you, so I can’t say thank you enough. You are awesome and you are amazing. I hope you’ll join us for this online release party for The Way of Kings leatherbound on July 7th this year.

Way of Kings Kickstarter: Bridge Four Poster Reveal https://www.brandonsanderson.com/way-of-kings-kickstarter-bridge-four-poster-reveal/ Tue, 05 May 2020 09:00:00 +0000 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/?p=12062

Way of Kings Kickstarter: Bridge Four Poster Reveal

Isaac here. As many of you know, we’re hard at work preparing for our summer Kickstarter for the Dragonsteel edition of The Way of Kings. Today we’re kicking off the ramp-up period before the Kickstarter with a reveal we’ve been holding onto for quite some time.

Several years ago Brandon came to me with the idea of creating a huge movie-poster sized illustration of the Bridge Four crew. The idea was to have Kaladin and some of the original bridge men standing on a plateau on the bottom of the poster, but then up in the sky above them, there would be images of the bridge men as something more—almost Radiants—from roughly the Words of Radiance time period.

I held onto this idea for a while, keeping my eye out for just the right artist to create it, then at Illuxcon, I met the kind and amazing Zack Stella. We got to talking fantasy novels, and he recommended The Way of Kings to me before I got around to mentioning my connection to the books. I’ve loved Zack’s work for quite some time, and he turned out to be the perfect fit for creating this illustration.

Working with him was awesome. He instinctively grasped the aesthetics of the Stormlight Archive while at the same time bringing his trademark style to it. Every copy of the Dragonsteel edition of The Way of Kings sold through our summer Kickstarter will come with this nearly 24” x 36” movie-style poster folded up with it. I love the result, and I hope you will too.

For more information on the Kickstarter, Kara and I talked a little about it during JordanCon Online. Please note that all the details mentioned here aren’t finalized yet, and there are a few things that I got wrong when sitting in the hot seat (ie. we aren’t breaking The Way of Kings volumes at the UK breakpoint but after Interlude 6 and before Part 3) but the video should be pretty informative otherwise.

January YouTube Livestream https://www.brandonsanderson.com/january-youtube-livestream/ Fri, 10 Jan 2020 19:17:53 +0000 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/?p=10283

January YouTube Livestream

In order to get the Way of Kings leatherbound ready for our Kickstarter this summer, I need to sign thousands upon thousands of copies of the first signature. (A “signature” in this context means a group of pages of the book that will eventually be trimmed and bound together. You’ll see what they look like if you stop by and watch.)

To “celebrate” this (more to keep me from getting too bored) we’re going to be livestreaming it for a few hours (Saturday, November 11th at 1:00 p.m. MST), and I’ll be chatting with those who drop by and answering their questions. Adam will be watching the comments and reading out to me the best questions for me to answer.

I’m hoping this will be a casual and laid-back event, with me chatting about various things you all want to hear about. We’ll probably be more likely to answer questions that launch me into a story about my life or the writing of a specific book or the like, and less focused on detailed lore questions, just because of the nature of the experience. (Adam will try to filter out spoiler questions and avoid them, or ask them in a way that doesn’t spoil too much. So if you haven’t finished one of the books, you should be safe watching, but the comments themselves might not be safe.)

So drop by, say hello, and hang out for a little while!

January 11, 2020

January 20, 2020

Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders https://www.brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-leatherbound-preorders/ Wed, 20 Nov 2019 23:17:25 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=7327

Warbreaker Leatherbound Preorders

Adam here. I know many of you have been waiting for the day we start talking about the special Tenth-Anniversary Leatherbound Edition of Warbreaker. Well, today is that day! On top of that, I’m going to tell you how you can get your hands on one of these beautiful books (skip to the bottom if this is the information you’re looking for). As has (unfortunately) become the norm, printing and binding delays have severely impacted our initial timeline for reception of these books. So much so that we still don’t have a fully bound copy, but we were able to get our hands on an unbound copy and wanted to show you a few pictures to let you know what you can expect.

We’ve shown a few sneak peeks of the end-pages on Brandon’s social media, and Dan Dos Santos has fully revealed them on his channels, but these are just a few of the many pieces we’re super excited about. They are absolutely stunning. But you don’t need to take my word for it.

One thing we’re doing for the Warbreaker leatherbound, is adding drop caps to all the chapter headings. This little feature is just one of the many ways this edition is the highest quality book we’ve ever produced and we’re excited to see how you respond.

As with previous leatherbound editions, we’re adding some of our favorite covers from around the globe. The left cover is from our illustrious UK artist Sam Green. The right is from the Chinese cover of by the incredibly talented Jian Guo.

Damage prevention & numbering
One thing we’re doing a little differently this year is how we are handling the books. Meaning we want to handle them as litte as possible. The books aren’t fragile, per se, but the more they’re handled the higher the likelihood that something can happen. So in that spirit, we decided to take the route of Brandon pre-signing and numbering all the books before binding. That way we can ship each book shrink-wrapped and individually boxed so that you can get as perfect condition a book as possible. This means we can’t control what numbers you get or offer personalizations, but we feel that offering you the highest possible condition of the books was worth the sacrifice. We hope you feel the same.

How to get your copy

We’re hopeful that this will be shipped in time for Christmas, but we can’t guarantee it. But if you’re wanting to get it preordered, we have partnered with several independent bookshops who would love to help you get your copy. (Some stores already have preorder links on their site open, if not, keep your eye out for when their site is updated.)

Hero of Ages leatherbound, Children of the Nameless AMA + Updates https://www.brandonsanderson.com/hero-of-ages-leatherbound-children-of-the-nameless-ama-updates/ Mon, 31 Dec 2018 03:04:12 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=2948

Hero of Ages leatherbound, Children of the Nameless AMA + Updates

Adam here. I want to begin this final blog post of the year with some good news. The Dragonsteel leatherbound edition of The Hero of Ages has arrived! Many of the Dragonsteel Minions have been working long (and often very late hours) to get these books ready to ship out next week—or as quickly as Brandon can get them signed. If you’re not familiar with these versions, these are special editions that we release to celebrate the book’s original publication ten years earlier. You can see all of them on Brandon’s website store.

If you’re hoping to get a personalized copy of this book, we will open the personalization option again once all the pre-ordered leatherbound Hero of Ages have shipped. I’m sure we will announce when personalizations are again available on Brandon’s social media channels, so watch there.

Brandon was able to hop over and do an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit earlier this month for his Magic the Gathering novel Children of the Nameless (which is free to download). If you’re not familiar with this book, you should check out this post from Brandon from a few weeks ago. While Brandon isn’t answering any further questions from this AMA I thought many of you would find it interesting to browse. While you’re there, you can read Brandon’s first update for Stormlight 4.

In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Working Dad is a Spaceman, Howard, Mary, and Dan, with NASA astronaut Thomas Marshburn who is both spaceman and parent, talks about what it’s like to be both.

Last week, in Tor.com’s continuing reread of Oathbringer, Taravangian is having a genius day. He fools his testers into thinking that he’s not having a “so intelligent he’s dangerous” day and proceeds to begin tearing up the Diagram, looking for hints and codes that cannot be deciphered when the pages are bound. When Adrotagia calls him out for his deception, he shoves her out of the room and continues, finally coming to the conclusion that Dalinar is not to be killed, now—they’re past that point. Now he must be dethroned as leader of the Coalition, to make room for Taravangian to take his place and hence be in a better place to negotiate directly with Odium. This week, in Interlude 6, Venli and several of the remaining Listeners await the coming Everstorm, promised by Ulim that it will bring them more power. But when it passes, Venli realizes that they had been misled. Her friends are gone, their souls destroyed and their bodies claimed by the ancient Listener gods. She alone remains, destined for some greater purpose by Odium. In the aftermath of her grief, a strange spren appears, which Venli hides, certain that the creatures residing within the bodies of her friends will destroy it.

The Hero of Ages leather bound, Cyber Monday sale + Audible sale https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-hero-of-ages-leather-bound-cyber-monday-sale-audible-sale/ Tue, 20 Nov 2018 03:04:00 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=3125

The Hero of Ages leather bound, Cyber Monday sale + Audible sale

The Hero of Ages Leather Bound

Adam here. We have some exciting news for all of you who have been “patiently” waiting the arrival of the Mistborn: The Hero of Ages leather bound. Well… we still don’t have them and we just found out that the national paper shortage is going push back our receipt by an additional week. But, we did just receive our proof copy and are ecstatic with the final results.

Now, the copy we received has everything the final print will have excepting this is neither bound nor covered. But we think it looks great enough to give you a glimpse of this magnificent book.

One of our favorite parts of making these leather bound editions is gathering our favorite covers, fan art, and—the occasionally—commissioned pieces to help bring Brandon’s books to life. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. One of this editions standout pieces is by the incredibly talented Miranda Meeks—whom you may know from the covers of Shadows of Silence in the Forest of Hell and Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds—who created this wonderful piece for us to include.

Pre-ordering Numbered Copies
Though we don’t have physical copies in yet, we know that many want to get their copy ordered as soon as possible. So we’ve decided to work with the BYU BookstoreSubterranean Press, and Mysterious Galaxy to make it so you can get your copy pre-ordered beginning Cyber Monday (11/26). We will open up orders on Brandon’s site the following Saturday (12/1) at 12:01 a.m. with numbers being shared with each of the stores (rotating every 4th number). That being said, with this paper shortage wreaking havoc on our anticipated reception (they were supposed to arrive in October), we still won’t be able to guarantee anything for Christmas.

These pre-order links will not be active until 12:01 a.m. on Monday Morning

Cyber Monday Sale

We are having a little Cyber Monday Sale on Brandon’s website store where you can earn some sweet bonus swag. If you spend $30, we will send you this awesome DDF patch with your order.

If you spend $60, you will get this Cobalt Guard patch AND the DDF patch.

If you spend $100, we will send you the DDF patch, the Cobalt Guard patch, AND this Bridge Four pin that you can’t buy.

Not to mention the awesome swag we already have on sale for the holidays!

Warbreaker Audiobook Sale

If you’re an U.S. Aubible Member, Warbreaker—narrated by Alyssa Bresnahan—is on sale for just $6.95 so if you’ve been looking for the right moment to give Warbreaker a listen, now’s a good time!

The Well of Ascension leatherbound edition is here! https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-well-of-ascension-leatherbound-edition-is-here/ Tue, 12 Dec 2017 04:10:43 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=3313

The Well of Ascension leatherbound edition is here!

I have some exciting news for you: after months of waiting, our special leatherbound edition of The Well of Ascension has finally shipped from the printer. Huzzah!

Like our edition of Elantris, and Mistborn: The Final Empire the Dragonsteel edition of The Well of Ascension is bound in premium bonded leather, and the pages are smyth-sewn, not glued like most regular books. Mistborn is printed in black and red inks on quality, acid-free paper, includes a bound-in satin-ribbon bookmark, full-color endpapers by Howard Lyon, gilded pages, and two-color foiling on the cover. A 24-page art gallery starts off the edition and features never-before-seen artwork, a feruchemical chart, and three maps of the Final Empire. The Dragonsteel Leather edition of Mistborn: The Well of Ascension is 797 pages.

Endpapers by Howard Lyon

Vin vs. Koloss (left) by Charles Tan. Heir of the Survivor (right) by Miranda Meeks.

A few things you should know: These are going to be put on my store today at 12:00 (MST). If you’re wanting signed, numbered, and personalized copies we probably won’t be able to get them out in time for Christmas, but I’ll do my best. If you just want the book itself, we should be able to get that to you in time for Christmas with priority shipping.

Along with being able to order it from my store, we’re also sending it to several independent bookstores around the country where you may be able to acquire one.

For those of you who have been waiting to get your hands on the first leatherbound volume, Mistborn: The Final Empire, we also just received the second printing of these and will add them to our website at the same time we add The Well of Ascension.
