Signing Tonight in LA, ALCATRAZ Audiobook Sale + Updates

Signing Tonight in LA, ALCATRAZ Audiobook Sale + Updates I’m signing tonight at the Woodland Hills Barnes & Noble on Topanga Canyon at 7:00. Details are on my events page. See you there! A reader of mine, Chuck Doyle, mentioned on my Facebook page the other day that Audible is selling my middle-grade fantasy ALCATRAZ…

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New Writing Excuses Episode, Hero of Ages Annotations

New Writing Excuses Episode, Hero of Ages Annotations I’ll be posting another of my long, rambling blog entries later this week, but for today I’ve just got the standard Monday updates. In this week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler, and I are joined once again by Jessica Day George to discuss writing…

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Michael Whelan Covers + Updates

Michael Whelan Covers + Updates I’ve posted my thoughts on getting a Michael Whelan cover. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover. I’ve always wondered who “They” are, and if—by chance—they’ve never heard of Michael Whelan. Because my experience in life has been very different. Head over to to read the…

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Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award!

Updates, Audies, Vote for the David Gemmell Legend Award! In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations, I discuss Vin’s defense before Yomen and what happened to Janarle. And in this week’s Writing Excuses podcast, Dan, Howard, James Dashner, and I take questions from the crowd at LTU&E, covering a variety of topics. Check it out.…

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Photoshop Contest Winners, Wheel of Time Games, & Updates

Photoshop Contest Winners, Wheel of Time Games, & Updates I’ve got the Photoshop contest winners below, but first the weekly updates. In the most recent MISTBORN 3 annotations I discuss TenSoon’s visit to Urteau and Vin attacking without using Allomancy. This past weekend was BYU’s science fiction/fantasy symposium, Life, the Universe & Everything. This was…

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Updates + Life, the Universe & Everything Schedule

Updates + Life, the Universe & Everything Schedule This week I’ll be the guest of honor at Life, the Universe & Everything, BYU’s annual symposium on science fiction and fantasy. It’s basically a convention with a fancier name (but there will be a few research papers presented), though most conventions aren’t free like LTUE is.…

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