Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates

Holiday deadline, Mistborn pumpkin & Updates Here’s a really cool Mistborn pumpkin by deviantART member joh-wee. She calls it “Survivor of the Flames.” Be sure to check out the full image and the unlit version. My assistant Becky wanted me to remind international readers that the deadline for ordering books so I can sign them before…

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THE ALLOY OF LAW in three weeks + Updates

THE ALLOY OF LAW in three weeks + Updates In the most recent Writing Excuses podcast episode, award-winning editor Lou Anders joins Dan, Mary, and Howard to discuss writing endings. Give it a listen. My assistant posted another chapter of my abandoned novel MYTHWALKER from 2001. MISTBORN: THE ALLOY OF LAW will be released in…

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My New York Comic Con Schedule

My New York Comic Con Schedule NYCC is this weekend, and I’ll be there Saturday only. Here’s my schedule. Hope to see you there! But if you live in the area and can’t make it to the convention, I’ll be back in November for the THE ALLOY OF LAW tour. Check out my events calendar.…

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A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates

A MEMORY OF LIGHT names + Updates I’ve put up another Twitter archive post. And as I continue writing the first draft of A MEMORY OF LIGHT (now up to 75% of my 300,000-word projection), keep your eye on Twitter and Facebook. Each time I come across a spot in the book where I need to insert…

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New novella INFINITY BLADE: AWAKENING + Updates First some updates. There’s a new MYTHWALKER chapter up, and this week’s Writing Excuses episode features Pyr editorial director Lou Anders talking about the Hollywood Formula. In addition, Ta’veren Tees has a new shirt up for preorder, Tai’shar Manetheren, and they also have a coupon code. SHORT VERSION…

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Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates

Fantasy Magazine interview with Leigh Butler + Updates Leigh Butler interviewed me for Fantasy Magazine. The interview talks about THE ALLOY OF LAW, the Stormlight Archive, the Wheel of Time, THE RITHMATIST, and rules of magic among other topics. It’s fairly extensive, so check it out. This week’s Writing Excuses podcast episode features Patrick Rothfuss’s…

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