Occasionally I receive some very cool, and creative, emails from my readers from around the world. Recently I received a survey from a few of my (self-described) weirdest, nerdiest, and most number one fans: Jessica, Matthew, and Jared Ashcraft. I thought it would be fun to share it with all of you. I have italicized my answers for your convenience.
You are a…
- Fish
- Stick
- Potted Plant
- Fish Stick on top of a potted plant
- Other:
Would you rather…
- Become an evil High Epic and destroy everything and everyone in your city?
- Watch all your friends and family be eaten slowly by wild chalklings?
Who would win in a fight between Vin and Kaladin and why?
- Vin. Kaladin isn’t good at hurting people who aren’t hurting people he cares about.
Are you more like…
- Wax?
- Wayne?
Which of your characters is your favorite?
- None. They’re all like my children.
Which of the following has a larger obsession over guns?
- Waxillium
- David
Who would it make you more sad to turn evil?
- Wayne
- Kaladin
Which would you choose?
- Twinborn
- Mistborn
- Full Feruchemist
- Elantrian (not the undead kind)
- Epic (nice)
- Rithmatist
- Knight Radiant
- Awakener
- Smedry Talent
- Other :
Explain previous answer including form of power if necessary
- Lots of metal in my current life. Not much Stormlight. So Mistborn wins.
If you didn’t choose Twinborn previously but you were Twinborn anyway, which two metals would you choose?
- Same as Wax.
If all your books were burning in a fire, and you could only save one, which book would you save?
- Way of Kings.
Is Zahel really Vasher?
- Yes
- No
Is there significance in the fact that the world of Silence Montane uses silver for protection? (Even though there is no known allomantic use for silver)
- Yes.
Are you fluent in High Imperial? If so, do you teach lessons?
- No and no.
Have you really had your library card revoked 17 times?
- Alcatraz made that up. He does things like that.
Why are you doing this survey instead of writing Stormlight 3?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
- Because the writers of this survey are so awesome