Calamiy | Brandon Sanderson Brandon Sanderson Fri, 06 Nov 2020 16:49:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calamiy | Brandon Sanderson 32 32 The Bands of Mourning Launch Party + Updates Mon, 25 Jan 2016 01:14:43 +0000

The Bands of Mourning Launch Party + Updates

Tonight is the night! The official launch party for The Bands of Mourning starts tonight at 10:00 pm at the BYU Bookstore. Don’t forget to swing by and get your number before 8:00 so you don’t lose your place in line (bring an ID and your proof of purchase). Just to give you another quick breakdown of the schedule (for full details, check out this blog post):

  • 10:00 p.m. Monday, January 25th (doors open). I will be getting there a bit early to pre-sign and number all the books. Then I’ll mingle with the crowd for a while, followed by my reading and Q&A session downstairs.
  • 12:00 a.m. January 26th Monday night/Tuesday morning (book released). You can pick up your book and go, or get in line for personalizations, which could take until 3:00 a.m.

Both Calamity and The Bands of Mourning are being featured in Audible’s Winter Preview—books that the editors at Audible are most excited for. You can check out the complete list here.

In this week’s new Writing Excuses episode, Newton’s Laws of Writing, we decide to play around with the idea of mapping Newton’s Laws onto the process of writing.

Last week, in’s continuing reread posts for Words of Radiance, Kaladin was released from prison. This week, in Chapter 67, Dalinar faces an unsubtle attempt to make him look foolish, and turns the tables to render the attack powerless.

My assistant Adam is has updated the twitter posts archive for January.
