Mistborn Adventure Game | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com Brandon Sanderson Wed, 10 Jun 2020 18:15:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-general_post_image.jpg Mistborn Adventure Game | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com 32 32 Steelheart ebook sale + Mistborn dice Kickstarter https://www.brandonsanderson.com/steelheart-ebook-sale-mistborn-dice-kickstarter/ Tue, 16 Dec 2014 01:07:42 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=4370

Steelheart ebook sale + Mistborn dice Kickstarter

The release of Firefight is just three weeks away! My book tour should be announced very soon. And for the next few weeks up until the Firefight release, the first book in the Reckoners trilogy, Steelheart, has its ebook on sale for $2.99 in the US and Canada. (Check the country tabs to the right to see what your local price is.) If you haven’t read it (or Mitosis, the $1.99 ebook novelette that goes between the two books), now is a great chance!

There’s also something cool for Mistborn fans that just started this week. Crafty Games is putting out more Mistborn dice (for use with the Mistborn Adventure Game or any other game with dice). They’re normal 6-sided dice, but since each Mistborn metal symbol has a dot in it, the one-dot side of the die is replaced with a metal symbol. To determine quantities and how many different metal symbols to use, Crafty is running a Kickstarter campaign. Since the campaign went live yesterday it has already funded, but the stretch goals add to the number of symbols included. Right now each set of eight dice has four symbols in it, but each goal adds a symbol until they get up to ten dice with ten symbols—with additional campaign-exclusive dice possible after that if the total goes high enough.

The campaign runs for 39 more days. Check it out here.

Mistborn Adventure Game Alloy of Law supplement, New Allomancer Jak story + Giveaway https://www.brandonsanderson.com/mistborn-adventure-game-alloy-of-law-supplement-new-allomancer-jak-story-giveaway/ Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:45:31 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=4418

Mistborn Adventure Game Alloy of Law supplement, New Allomancer Jak story + Giveaway

A few weeks ago, Crafty Games, the makers of the Mistborn Adventure Game, released their second supplement for the game (after the Terris supplement). This new one covers the Alloy of Law era.

As in the original adventure game book, where I wrote a short story for the volume that features Kelsier, I’ve written a new piece for this supplement that features everyone’s favorite Roughs hero and correspondent: Allomancer Jak! These episodes follow his appearance in The Alloy of Law. Check out a preview here. Includes bonus annotations by Handerwym, Jak’s faithful Terris steward!

You can buy the Mistborn Adventure Game and the Alloy of Law supplement now. This week, Tor.com is running a contest to give away both books, and they’re also including a trade paperback of Mistborn. Their contest is open to residents of the US and Canada (but not Quebec). To enter, post a comment here.

Here’s what Crafty has to say about the new supplement:

Secure your vials and strap on your six-guns!

It’s 300 years after the fall of the Lord Ruler. The Final Empire is a distant memory, and the heroes who brought it down are legend. The rebels and thieving crews of old have been replaced with gunslingers, bounty hunters, shysters, and lawkeepers, and around every corner is a land of wild adventure, unlimited opportunity, ancient mystery, and ever-present danger. This is The Alloy of Law.

Alloy of Law is a core supplement for the Mistborn Adventure Game, helping players leap headlong into the thrilling world of the fourth book in Brandon Sanderson’s best-selling Mistborn series. This 320-page supplement features a wealth of new world information, game rules, and advice for playing this Old West-styled era, including:

  • An exclusive original story from Mistborn creator, Brandon Sanderson!
  • comprehensive overview of the people, society, and history of the remade Scadrial, with new information not seen in the novel
  • Updated character and Crew creation. Play a metalmind-slinging Ferring, one of the powerful koloss-blooded, or a Twinborn — master of Allomancy and Feruchemy alike
  • Magic of The Alloy of Law era, including updates for all three Metallic Arts and rules for the godlike power of Compounding
  • Rules for technology, guns, and gunplay — with a magical twist
  • gazetteer of the towns, cities, and key locations of the Elendel Basin and Roughs
  • An exploration of the faiths, politics, and secrets of The Alloy of Law…and beyond
  • Advice and inspiration for Narrators on running campaigns in The Alloy of Law era
  • rogues’ gallery of noted personalities in the era, including novel heroes Wax, Wayne, and Marasi

Did you enjoy reading The Alloy of Law? Now you can make your own Mistborn stories.

Already play Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Adventure Game? This book more than doubles the supplemental setting material.

Alloy of Law is available at fine book stores and hobby shops worldwide. You can also order print and digital (PDF) copies directly from the publisher, Crafty Games.

If you are a store owner and would like to discuss wholesale orders, please contact marketing@crafty-games.com

Mistborn Adventure Game Terris Supplement & Giveaway Contest https://www.brandonsanderson.com/mistborn-adventure-game-terris-supplement-giveaway-contest/ Tue, 06 May 2014 02:07:42 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=4578

Mistborn Adventure Game Terris Supplement & Giveaway Contest

The first supplement to the Mistborn Adventure Game pen-and-paper RPG has been released. Called Terris: Wrought of Copper, Crafty Games describes it as providing a detailed look at the history of the Terris Dominance and its people. Inside you’ll find a guide to the city of Tathingdwen, the heart of Terris society, as well as an exploration of both the secretive Terris Synod and the nascent Terris Resistance, plus all-new insights into the awesome power of Feruchemy.

For players of the Mistborn Adventure Game, there’s a bevy of new rules for creating and playing your own Terris Hero, including new Stunts, equipment, metalminds, and a new ability: Networks!

Also included is an epic adventure, “Justice, like Ash,” which sweeps your Crew into events that shake the Final Empire to its very foundations! A powerful Obligator has been murdered, a Terrisman stands accused as the killer, and it’s up to you to uncover the truth. Your hunt will take you from the paved streets of Luthadel to the ancient cobblestones of Tathingdwen and the farthest reaches of the Terris Dominance. Can you catch the culprit before the Lord Ruler’s wrath is unleashed across Terris? The fate of an entire people rests on your shoulders…

Tor.com is also doing a giveaway (US/Canada only) of two copies of the Terris supplement and one prize pack that includes the Terris supplement, the full Mistborn Adventure Game, and audiobooks of The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. The contest ends today at noon Eastern time, so enter ASAP.
