Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates

Signed Perrin T-Shirt Charity Auction & Updates Some quick updates today. But first, if you haven’t seen the STEELHEART teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters, please go give them a look! The release date is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from your favorite vendor. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Audible, Apple, Kobo, Google Play.) If you would…

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Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners

Steelheart Preorder and Mega Vault Winners It’s time to announce the winners of the STEELHEART Mega Vault Fan Art contest. First, if you haven’t seen the teaser trailer, the prologue, or teaser chapters for STEELHEART, please go give them a look! STEELHEART Preorders The release date for STEELHEART is fast approaching, so think about preordering the book from…

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Alcatraz Third Person Chapter Two

Alcatraz Third Person Chapter Two You’re probably wondering about the beginning of the previous chapter, with its reference to evil librarians, altars made from encyclopedias, and its general feeling of “Oh, No! Alcatraz is going to be sacrificed!” This is known, in stories, as a ‘hook.’ It is a vulgar literary convention used to unfairly…

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Alcatraz Third Person Chapter One

Alcatraz Third Person Chapter One Assistant Peter’s note: Brandon originally wrote the entire book in third person. For Brandon’s explanation, see this annotation. I’m posting two chapters from the draft before Brandon changed the book to first person. There’s something about facing death while tied to an altar made from outdated encyclopedias—realizing that you’re about to…

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Alcatraz Chapter Two

Alcatraz Chapter Two Now, you’re probably wondering about the beginning of the previous chapter, with its reference to evil Librarians, altars made from encyclopedias, and its general feeling of “Oh, No! Alcatraz is going to be sacrificed!” Before we get to this, let me explain something about myself. I’ve been many things in my life.…

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Alcatraz Chapter One

Alcatraz Chapter One So, there I was, tied to an altar made from outdated encyclopedias, about to get sacrificed to the dark powers by a cult of evil Librarians. As you might imagine, that sort of situation can be quite disturbing. It does funny things to the brain to be in such danger—in fact, it…

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Alcatraz Author’s Foreword

Alcatraz Author’s Foreword Author’s Foreword Note: The following is a sample chapter from Brandon’s middle-grade novel Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians which was published by Scholastic Press in October of 2007. You can read more about where Alcatraz came from right here. Enjoy! I am not a good person. Oh, I know what the stories say about me.…

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Warbreaker Chapter Eleven

Warbreaker Chapter Eleven But surely we can bend the rules a little bit,” Siri said, walking quickly beside Treledees. Treledees eyed her. The priest—high priest of the God King—would have been tall even without the elaborate miter on his head. With it, he seemed to tower over her almost like one of the Returned. Well,…

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Warbreaker Chapter Ten

Warbreaker Chapter Ten Vivenna’s hair instantly bleached to a stark white. Think! she told herself. You’ve been trained in politics! You studied hostage negotiation. But . . . what do you do when you arethe hostage? Suddenly, the two men burst out laughing. The larger man thumped the table several times with his hand, causing his bird to squawk. “Sorry, Princess,” Denth—the thinner…

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Warbreaker Chapter Nine

Warbreaker Chapter Nine Vivenna—firstborn child of Dedelin, king of Idris—gazed upon the grand city of T’Telir. It was the ugliest place she had ever seen. People jostled their way through the streets, draped flagrantly in colors, yelling, and talking, and moving, and stinking, and coughing, and bumping. Her hair lightened to grey, she pulled her…

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