Wheel of | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com Brandon Sanderson Tue, 30 Jun 2020 18:05:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.brandonsanderson.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-general_post_image.jpg Wheel of | Brandon Sanderson https://www.brandonsanderson.com 32 32 Hugo Nominations Deadline, Suvudu Cage Match & Updates https://www.brandonsanderson.com/hugo-nominations-deadline-suvudu-cage-match-updates/ Mon, 05 Mar 2012 22:20:05 +0000 https://dragonsteel.wpmudev.host/?p=7287

Hugo Nominations Deadline, Suvudu Cage Match & Updates

The most recent Writing Excuses episode features David Brin talking with Dan and Mary at the World Fantasy convention about the importance of criticism.

The Hugo Awards nomination deadline is the end of this week. If you’re already a member of the 2011, 2012, or 2013 Worldcons, be sure to get your nomination form submitted. I talked about this two months ago, but I and my Writing Excuses partners have various works that are eligible, particularly Writing Excuses Season Six in the Best Related Work category.

There’s a new ALCATRAZ VERSUS THE EVIL LIBRARIANS annotation up. This one covers chapter three.

Finally, the 2012 Suvudu Cage Match has started, and this year’s bracket features both Moiraine Damodred and Kelsier. In the first round, Kelsier is up against Gale Hawthorne, and Moiraine faces off against Tarzan. Voting runs through Thursday.
